Pest, Disease & Weed Control

The best “pesticide” is proper plant care. Bad bugs, weeds and disease target stressed plants like easy prey. So make sure your plants get the right amount of water, sun or shade, and soil nutrients and you’ll never have to visit our pest and weed control area. Sounds simple, but we know that Colorado’s weather extremes, drought conditions and poor soils can make proper care a challenge. So if you find dandelions are taking over your lawn, or a fungus is curling your tree’s leaves, it’s time to visit our Information Desk. Bring us a sample and we’ll help you find the right product. We carry both organic and synthetic solutions and both are effective when used correctly.

Beneficial Insects

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe’ve got good bugs! Beneficial insects are effective at control pest outbreaks. Lady bugs and praying mantis are available in our store. Lady Bugs feed on soft-bodied insects like aphids, and mantis like just about any bug. We also have beneficial nematodes available year round, while supplies last.


Yeah, those bunnies are cute—just not when they’re eating your petunias! If you’ve got hungry deer, rabbits or rodents feasting on your gardens, we have spray repellents that might do the trick. May we also suggest growing plants these critters don’t like? See our deer- and rabbit-resistant plants in our downloadable Fact Sheets here.