Xeric or low-water plants should be part of every Colorado landscape. Luckily there are many good choices at Wilmore. You’ll find trees like bur oak and pinyon pine, favorite shrubs like lilac and spirea, perennials such as penstemons and yarrow, and even annuals like portulaca and California poppy. Our growers indicate a plant’s drought resistance on the plant tag. And we highlight low-water perennials with signage. We use the X-rating system:X = Thrives in slightly dry conditions (about 1 inch of water per week)
XX = Thrives in dry conditions (about 1/2 inch of water per week)
XXX = Thrives in very dry conditions (about 1/2 inch of water every 2 weeks)Don’t forget native plants and Plant Select® options for your xeriscape garden.
Here are some xeriscape plant lists to get you started. Wilmore has many of these plants in stock: Trees and Shrubs, Perennials, and Groundcovers.
Caution: Just because a plant is xeric, doesn’t mean you don’t have to water it. Most drought-tolerant plants need 2 to 3 years of regular watering to establish an adequate root system. Water well during establishment and then gradually reduce irrigation.